A lot of problems with hair loss in the monsoon? Following these 6 rules will solve the problem

Monsoon means when it rains. Even if there is an umbrella, it does not come in handy every time. Eksha is completely wet. Again, on this beautiful rainy day, along with chop and tea, the Bengali conversation is quite good. But what will happen? There are a lot of problems! One of the major problems is hair loss. This time of the year, the problem of hair fall doubles. So take extra care to keep your hair healthy during monsoons. Hair becomes rough and dull during monsoons.

Especially those who have a bunch of curly hair on their heads are more difficult. Many cut their hair short out of fear. But if you can take proper care of your hair without cutting it, your hair will shine even in the rainy season. What to do Here are the tips. It is very important to keep hair and scalp clean during monsoons. In that case, you can use less alkaline shampoo to keep your hair healthy. Use a good conditioner to keep the hair nourished and moisturized. But do not apply conditioner to the roots of the hair. Finally, wash your hair thoroughly.”

Avoid using a dryer to dry your hair. Use a soft towel instead. Be sure to apply a good serum after bathing. It will not mess up the hair. Roughness will be less. Even if you go outside, it is better not to tie your hair too complicated during the rainy season. This increases the chances of tangling and tearing. You can do ponytails, buns, or cute braids to keep the look interesting. If hair problems increase during monsoons, you can try trimming instead of cutting your hair short. As it maintains the beauty of the hair, it also gets rid of problems like rough ends and split ends.

Never comb wet hair. It causes more hair loss. And it is better not to use the comb used by others. This can lead to bacteria on the scalp unknowingly. Hair food is oil. It is necessary to oil the roots of the hair well at least twice a week. You can apply oil a few hours before shampooing. The day before shampooing, you can apply oil to your hair overnight. It makes hair look shiny.

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