Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu conducted a review of developmental projects in West Siang District during a meeting with Heads of Departments (HoDs) at the Deputy Commissioner’s Conference Hall in Aalo. Accompanied by Urban Development Minister Balo Raja, Khandu assessed the progress of 11 major government projects, many of which are on track for completion by 2025. Deputy Commissioner Mamu Hage highlighted efforts to beautify Aalo Township and addressed minor delays in certain projects.
CM Khandu also inaugurated the City Surveillance Project, equipping Aalo with 10 CCTV cameras to enhance public safety. The project’s operation was handed over to SSP T. Amo, who detailed ongoing initiatives to curb crime and improve traffic management. Commending the district administration, Khandu emphasized inclusive governance and credited Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership for transformative changes in Arunachal Pradesh. He encouraged self-employment and entrepreneurship, urging residents to utilize government schemes for economic empowerment.
Guardian Ministers and Mentor Secretaries have been appointed to monitor project implementation, with a state-wide review scheduled for January 16-17. The Chief Minister also announced plans to hold Cabinet meetings in districts to strengthen grassroots governance.