Experts recommend India revisit Tobacco alternative ban

In a pivotal debate concerning public health and individual choice, experts are urging India to reconsider its stringent stance on alternatives to conventional tobacco products. The call comes amidst growing evidence suggesting that these alternatives could offer a safer option for millions of smokers in the country.India, renowned for its robust efforts towards tobacco control, faces a complex dilemma. The nation has successfully reduced smoked tobacco prevalence, yet still contends with nearly 100 million smokers. A recent report by the Policy Consensus Centre highlights the necessity to re-evaluate the ban imposed in 2019, prohibiting products like heated tobacco systems and e-cigarettes.

Critics argue that banning these alternatives may hinder potential harm reduction efforts. Supporters of regulation point to international examples where such products are controlled rather than outright banned. Countries like the UK have integrated alternatives into smoking cessation programs, emphasizing their role as potentially less harmful substitutes.Advocates for regulation highlight technological advancements that allow for safer nicotine delivery, without the carcinogenic by-products of combustion. They propose stringent controls on manufacturing and marketing, echoing global practices aimed at curbing youth access and misuse.

However, India’s initial ban was rooted in concerns over health impacts and regulatory challenges. The ban followed recommendations from health authorities like the ICMR and WHO, cautioning against potential risks and lack of evidence supporting long-term health benefits.As the global landscape evolves with new research and regulatory frameworks, proponents argue that India should adopt a nuanced approach. Regulation, they suggest, could provide smokers with responsible choices while safeguarding public health interests.

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