New species of plants found in Arunachal Pradesh

Aeschynanthus chayangtajuensis, a new plant species discovered in Arunachal Pradesh, has been formally reported by the esteemed journal Phytotaxa. The species is named for Chayang Tajo, one of the state’s oldest and most remote villages, in recognition of the area’s distinctive biodiversity and cultural heritage. This discovery highlights the ecological significance of Arunachal Pradesh by bringing to light Chayang Tajo, a community under the Government of India’s Vibrant community Programme, which aims to promote economic development and sustainable growth in border areas.

The finding of Aeschynanthus chayangtajuensis underscores Arunachal Pradesh’s growing stature in the global scientific community and emphasizes the importance of preserving the northeast’s natural heritage. Researchers from the Pasighat-based North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Folk Medicine Research (NEIAFMR) found a new plant species earlier this month in the forest areas of Mayodia in Arunachal Pradesh. The scientists determined that the plant species “Ophiorrhiza gajureliana” belongs to the Rubiaceae family and the Ophiorrhiza genus.

The plant species bears the name of Prof. Padma Raj Gajurel, a professor at the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology (NERIST) in Nirjuli, who made significant contributions to ethnobotanical and plant research in the Eastern Himalayas, according to NEIAFMR officials. The finding was found on September 8, 2023, when the NEIAFMR research team, led by scientist Dr. Amal Bawri, embarked on an expedition to document medicinal plants in the Lower Dibang Valley district.

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