The first AI in the dairy industry is carried out in Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh has successfully performed its first artificial insemination (AI) using imported sex-sorted Holstein Friesian semen, marking a significant milestone for the state’s animal husbandry industry. According to officials, Friday’s historic accomplishment was a major step forward in strengthening the state’s dairy development initiatives. According to them, the AI was carried out as a component of a larger project under the direction of S P Singh Baghel, the union’s minister of animal husbandry and dairy.

The first cow was inseminated using the imported semen at the Central Cattle Breeding Farm in Nirjuli, which is close to here, as part of a successful process conducted by the state’s dairy development department. The semen, which comes from globally renowned dairy lines, is expected to boost the quality of local cattle, especially by raising breed standards and milk output. The department used sex-sorted semen that was recently purchased from Sabarmati Ashram Gaushala (SAG) to conduct another round of AI on Saturday as part of their continued dedication to developing this technological innovation.

Arunachal Pradesh has successfully introduced sex-sorted semen technology to increase milk production and support farmers’ livelihoods. The technology, which ensures the birth of more female calves, is expected to revolutionize breeding practices in the state. The success of the initial AIs aligns with the state’s vision of improving dairy infrastructure and supporting farming communities. The use of sex-sorted semen technology is expected to create new opportunities for farmers and improve milk production, ultimately boosting the state’s agricultural economy.

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