Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu rallied for the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Doimukh MLA candidate, Tana Hali Tara, vehemently dismissing claims of the existence of a ‘B Team’ within the party. The campaign commenced with a grand public rally held at Holongi town near the Donyi Polo airport in the Papum Pare district. Chief Minister Khandu, accompanied by Deputy CM Chowna Mein and uncontested MLA winners Techi Kaso of Itanagar and Ratu Techi of Sagalee, kicked off the event with zeal. Notably absent was the celebrity minister from Nagaland, Temjem Imna Along, who was slated to be the chief guest and star campaigner. Thousands of citizens from Holongi, Balijan, Doimukh, and surrounding areas thronged to witness CM Khandu’s address in fervent support of Tana Hali Tara, the incumbent BJP MLA and candidate for the 14th Doimukh assembly constituency. Amidst the political landscape, Doimukh emerges as a pivotal battleground, witnessing a neck-to-neck contest between Tara and Nabam Vivek, the candidate from the Peoples Party of Arunachal (PPA). Addressing the enthusiastic crowd, CM Khandu refuted speculations of a ‘B Team’ within the BJP, emphasizing that candidates endorsed by the party leadership are its primary choices and securing their victory remains the party’s paramount objective. Highlighting the achievements of the BJP government, particularly in Doimukh constituency, CM Khandu showcased the successful establishment of the state’s first Greenfield airport in a remarkable three-year timeframe despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, he underscored progress in infrastructure development, national highway projects, power, education, and healthcare sectors. In an attempt to bolster support for the BJP ahead of the elections, CM Khandu announced the forthcoming public rally in Doimukh town, scheduled for 10th March, where BJP National President JP Nadda is expected to address the gathering, providing a significant morale boost to party workers in the Papum Pare district.

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